Darling River Conservation Site #8

New South Wales

Human Induced Regeneration
Ecosystem Rehabilitation

Project overview

The Everdale Human-Induced Regeneration carbon project aims to restore and rejuvenate over 5,000 hectares of acacia woodland and eucalypt forest in the Western Division of New South Wales. These ecosystems are home to a variety of species, including many iconic Australian species, and provide important ecosystem services such as biodiversity, carbon capture, and soil and water conservation.

To achieve this goal, the project uses a process called assisted regeneration, which involves establishing permanent native forests by encouraging the growth of in-situ seed sources such as rootstock and lignotubers. This process is designed to promote the natural regrowth of the ecosystem, while also providing the necessary support and resources to ensure the success of the regeneration process.



35,000Tons of CO2 removal
5,342Hectares of land
2019-2120Project life

Sustainability Goals

With Clima, your money goes towards supporting projects that are in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Below are the goals recognised by the Darling River Conservation Site #8 Project.


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